Thursday, January 24, 2013

Beginning the New Year

The new year is off to a great start! The kids have learned so much up to this point of second grade it is almost unbelievable. So far we have learned how to add and subtract two digit numbers, how to count money, what shapes we can use to make larger shapes, the life cycle of animals, about the branches of the government and soooo much more!

We are continuing to keep learning more and more everyday. This is what we are learning about now.

We just finished our topic on fractions and are begining our topic on Measurment: Length and Area. This is a fun topic when kids get to learn how to measure objects using nonstandard and standard units of measurement.

The series continues. We have just begun Unit 4-Look Again. This unit's theme is camouflage. The unit has stories about animals and how they use camouflage to stay safe. There are many reasons why camouflage is important.

We have been working hard on writing a story about when we were younger. This ties into our social studies unit on history. The kids pretend to be telling a story to their grandkids about when they were 7 or 8 years old.

Social Studies:
We have started our history unit. We have learned that history is the change over time. We watched some cool videos from the 1920's and 1930's from the small local towns. We were able to see a big change what they use to look like, and what they look  like now. Thank you Mr. Fenton for letting us borrow those videos.

Everyone keeps working hard and getting better on their spelling each week. We will continue to keep working hard.

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